Certificate Course in Communication

Aims/ Objectives

  • Understand the need and scope of communication in various fields of social work.
  • Develop the skills to conceptualize, make and use a range of communication media.
  • Develop the confidence and skills in communicating for public outreach.

Course Structure

Paper I: Communication: An Introduction
Paper II: Communication: Methods and Skills
Paper III: Field Work

Detailed Syllabus: Click here to Download

Skeleton of Course

Sr.No. Paper Name Of the Subject Theory / Practical Teaching Hour’s Maximal Marks Allotted Passing Credit
External Internal Total External Internal Total
1 Paper  I Communication: An Introduction Theory 90 60 40 100 24 16 40 6
2 Paper II Communication: Methods and Skills Theory 90 60 40 100 24 16 40 6
3 Paper III Field Work Practical 120 60 40 100 24 16 40 8

Internal Marks will be divided as follows:

  • Written Test – 25 Marks
  • Attendance – 05 Marks
  • Home Assignment – 10 Marks 

Mode of Examination

Internal and external written examination for 25 marks and 60 marks respectively for the two theory papers will be conducted by the college at the end of the course period.

Heads of Passing: The following shall be separate heads of passing

  1. Written theory papers – 40 marks (each paper)
  2. Field work– 40 marks

Failure in any one of the above heads shall be considered failure at the Certificate course